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2022-09-22 Board Meeting Minutes

HamWAN Memphis Metro 2022 Q3 Board Meeting


Call to Order

  • @turnrye: I call this meeting to order at 8:17 P.M. Central Time on September 22, 2022 taking place via Discord voice chat.

Roll Call

  • @turnrye called roll, @cliff.gurlen, @turnrye, @KK4IOH, and @seichold present. Quorum is achieved.

Previous Meeting

Officers Report

  • @turnrye: We’ll now move to the officer’s reports, starting with the president


  • Successful members meeting
  • Progress on strengthening partnership with OBARC, investigating partnership with some clubs in Crittenden
  • Added new netop, our first new netop in 4 years


  • @seichold: treasurer’s report; Sam presented the balance sheet, cashflows, and income statements

Unfinished business

  • @turnrye worked on hotspot and is now on the roof on SCO but performance is still very poor. Ryan is not going to move forward with reimbursement at this time as it does not meet HamWan needs.

New business

  • @turnrye: Officer election: president and secretary VP

    • @seichold Motion to table the elections until Michael can attend board meeting seconded by @cliff.gurlen and @turnrye voted in the affirmative and the motion passes. We will hold elections in next board meeting.
  • @turnrye: Proposal to replace damaged equipment:

    • 3x UPS for MNO, LEB, CRW (Budget $300 shipped per without batteries example, up to $250 for 12x SP12-7.5HR batteries)

    • 2x RB912UAG-5HPnD (NON-US, $63.97) and SBX-S-CC-2SMA ($25.65) sector radios to replace dead radios sec1.mno, sec2.sco (Up to $205 including S&H)

      • @turnrye motion to allocate $1355 to cover the UPS and sector replacements listed above. Seconded by @cliff.gurlen and @seichold, @turnrye voted in the affirmative. The motion passes.
    • 4x IP camera for SCO, MNO, CRW, HIl (Looking to @seichold to recommend some options here)

      • @seichold motion to focus on SCO, Hil, and MNO with $500 budget. Seconded by @cliff.gurlen and @KK4IOH, @turnrye voted in the affirmative. The motion passes.
    • The following equipment replacement / purchases have been tabled for now:

  • @turnrye: discussion about pursuing a lease with Lewisburg water to have a jumping off point further south – 5 GHz link from CRW to there, would be a potential backhaul P2P site and service OBARC repeater; motion to permit Ryan to enter a lease with sec/tres review of the lease within the next 12 months, with a standing approval for up to $1000 outlay towards equipment

    • @turnrye I move that Ryan be authorized to act as agent and enter into a nominal lease with Lewisburg Water Association for locating a PtP site at their water tower within the next 12 months.. Motion seconded by @cliff.gurlen and @seichold, @turnrye, @KK4IOH, @cliff.gurlen voted in the affirmative. The motion passes.
  • @turnrye: discussion about pursuing expansion to crittenden – motion to permit Michael to enter a lease with signoff from the sec/tres within the next 12 months, and a standing approval for up to $1000 outlay towards equipment necessary for this expansion

    • @turnrye I move that Michael be authorized to act as agent and enter into a nominal lease with various parties located in West Memphis, AR for locating a PtP site colocated with amateur radio infrastructure within the next 12 months. Seconded by @cliff.gurlen and @turnrye, @KK4IOH, @seichold voted in the affirmative. The motion passes.
  • @KK4IOH opens discussion on network expansion to support new repeaters that may become available at new client sites. There is no motion at this time. The board will continue to monitor for opportunities and will address in future meetings.



  • @turnrye : I MOVE THAT we adjourn the 2022 Q3 board meeting. @cliff.gurlen seconded and @turnrye, @seichold, @KK4IOH voted in the affirmative. The meeting was closed.